photo metadata mac
If you’re interested in viewing the EXIF metadata for images on your Mac, one way to do it is using the Gallery view in Finder. But, if you happen to have the Photos app already open, you can get a quick glimpse of the general metadata for your pictures here.
This brief tutorial shows you how to view photo metadata in Photos for Mac.

Check out the metadata for a picture in Photos

With your Photos app open on Mac, just follow these few steps.
1) Open the spot in the Photos app that contains the image, whether it’s in an album or your library.
2) Select the image. You can either click the individual image on the main screen or double-click to open it in a larger view.
3) Click the Get info for selected images button in the toolbar.
Photos App Mac Get Info Button
Alternatively, you can right-click the image or hit Control and click. Then, select Get Info from the context menu.
Photos App Mac Get Info from Menu
You will then see a small pop-up window containing the general metadata for your photo which includes things like title, date, time, dimensions, size, file type, location, details for the device that captured the photo along with shutter speed and ISO.
Photos App Mac Metadata Window
You’ll notice that you can also edit some of the fields you see. So, if you don’t have a title, description, keywords, or location, you can add one as well as tag a face and mark the photo as a favorite.
Photos App Mac Metadata Edit Window

Wrapping it up

For a quick view of the general metadata attached to your pictures, the Photos app on Mac gives you what you need. If there are other tips for the Photos app on Mac you’d like to see, let us know in the comments below!