There are many hard times in life we have to go through. Here are my tips on how to pass the hard times.

1. Acceptance

Accept that there are no explanations. You can't fix what's done or can't get back at what you have lost. Cry and grieve.

2. Basic needs
When you feel sad and lost, try to focus on your basic needs. Eat, sleep, take a shower, and do only the things you need to do. Cancel the unimportant ones.

3. Focus on the good
quotes, alternative, and grunge afbeeldingTake it easy, focus on the things that make you happy. Don't push yourself. Pick only the things you are capable of doing and what gives you joy.

4. Write
Grieve and write down your feelings. It helps you to analyze the thing you are going through. It doesn't matter how it's going to turn out, important is to get your feelings out of your head. It helps.

5. Speak
When you're ready, talk to someone close to you about your feelings. It might take even a year to be able to speak up about the situation you're going through. But when you're ready, talk. It helps you to start feeling happy again.

6. Figure out something new
Find a new hobby or do something you have never done before to make you feel energetic and happy. Focus on the happy thoughts and feelings. Maybe you can find new friends too.

7. Look back
It's ok to look back and see the good and the sad moments what you went through. It gives you the feeling that you have had a life to be grateful for. It's ok to miss, feel sad and cry. That way you learn to appreciate your life even more.