Do you already miss the good old Home button on your shiny new iPhone X? If so, you have several options ahead of you. You can either suck it up and live with it, return your iPhone X, or replicate the Home button by using the AssistiveTouch accessibility feature to replicate the functions of the Home button.
On your iPhone X, go to Settings > General > Accessibility > AssistiveTouch, and turn the feature on. This will bring up a virtual button that you can relocate anywhere on your screen.
This virtual button truly shines as a Home button replacement when you start customizing it to replicate the functions of its physical counterpart of yesteryears.
In the Custom Actions section, make sure you map the actions in this way:
  • Single tap takes you Home
  • Double tap opens Multitasking (App Switcher)
  • Long press invokes Siri
The Home button is not coming back, so I’d personally recommend adjusting to the new way to interact with iOS, but if the transition is too hard for you, the AssistiveTouch feature will sure help you easing into it.