Macbook on Desk
Whether you are working, browsing the web, or playing a game on your Mac, time can easily get away from you. One neat feature of macOS is that you can have the time announced to you. This is a helpful reminder of the time that you can configure for how often you hear it and what voice speaks to you.

Enable the time announcement

You can enable the time announcement feature in your Settings and can navigate there two different ways.
Access Date and Time Mac
1) If you have a clock displayed in your menu bar, click it.
2) Select Date & Time Preferences.
1) Click the Apple icon in your menu bar.
2) Select System Preferences.
3) Click Date & Time.
When you land on the Date & Time settings, click Clock and then mark the checkbox for Announce the time.
Enable Time Announcement Check Mac
Note that you may have to click the lock on the bottom left in order to make changes. If so, you’ll be prompted to enter your username and password.

Configure the time announcement

Now that you have the time announcement enabled, you can choose how often to hear it, select a voice, and more.
  • Click the drop-down box and select On the hourOn the half hour, or On the quarter hour for how often you want to hear the announcement.
Enable Time Announcement Mac
  • Click Customize Voice to adjust the speech rate and volume.
  • On the voice screen, click the drop-down box for Use System Voice to change the voice you hear.
  • Select one of the voices you see in the list or choose Customize to add more voice options.
Time Annoument Select Voices
  • Click the Play button to hear the voice, speed, and volume.
  • Click OK when you are happy with your picks.
Time Announcement Speed Volume Mac
If you had to unlock the Date & Time settings with your username and password to make these changes, just click the lock to lock them in when you finish.