1. Remind yourself that, in time, things will change and we all get bogged down at different periods in life.

2. Try to make sure that you do some exercise – as that brightens our mood and boosts our mental energy.

3. Be aware of the tendency to isolate yourself. Being around other people can give you more support, and can help you to keep going when you feel like giving up.

4. Try changing your routine. Just changing a few things can help you feel more in control, and less at the whim of external circumstances.

5. Set some small goals for yourself and take some steps to make them happen – again, you’ll feel less trapped as you will feel that you have options.

6. Make sure you treat yourself well so you know that you have value … Buy some clothes … or take time out … or do whatever makes you happy.

7. Pay attention to your thoughts, and keep your mind on what inspires you. Look for hope – create some vision – and remember: things WILL change!