1. Be honest with yourself about how you really feel. Don’t stifle or ignore the pain you’re struggling with.

2. Resist the temptation to isolate yourself. Make the effort to go places where you have to talk to others. You don’t have to do anything that feels overwhelming – but make yourself go somewhere where you interact people.

3. If possible, find a friend, a family member or a counsellor who you can open up and share your feelings with. Just being real with someone can help remove the pain.

4. Read about inspiring people who also pushed through loneliness (This is true of many leaders, like Nelson Mandela). Doing that, can inspire you to hang in there and keep going.

5. Try writing or journaling about your feelings. Writing down how you feel can help release the pain you feel.

6. Find a way to volunteer or to help out other people – it takes you outside yourself, and makes a huge difference to them.

7. Try and hang around people who believe in you – and be your own cheerleader – and keep your focus on your strengths.