Sometimes I watch friends and acquaintances attempt new (and wonderful) lifestyle, willpower and mindfulness changes only to almost immediately fail and become bitter about it. Often times I will look at their environment and wonder how they lasted even a day with their new goals. When trying to evolve as a person, don’t forget how important it is to make the world around you help you. Try not to forget how powerful memories and location association are and how they can influence your mind. Hanging out in a stressful place can be a terrible experience. Sometimes a little change is all you need.
Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.” - W. Clement Stone
Create a home that reflects the new you. Move to a place that makes you feel good. Buy things that make sense in your life. Wear clothes that feel good to you. Make friends who confirm your new beliefs and encourage you to be who you want to be. Quit the job that violates the dreams and standards of living and mindfulness that you aspire to. You have so much control in your life. Don’t underestimate the changes you can make in your environment and how they may affect your progress toward this new you.