Mom wrote to me today. As sweet as ever, she sent me some cookies along with notes of her concern. It didn’t feel like she questioned my choice to move out to great grandpa’s farm. I mean, to some extent I know she’s glad someone is taking care of the home her father built. But she clearly still feels like I made the move rather suddenly. It’s fine. I know she’ll support me out here. And once she sees the farm going well, she’ll be less worried.

After I finished the farm work today, I headed out to the beach to do a bit of fishing, which is where I saw this awkward half bridge. It looks like a flood of some sort from the river must have washed it out. But there’s a ton of beach that’s I haven’t had a chance to explore just past it. I know I’ve got my plate full with the community center right now, but I kind of want to re-build the bridge. I know it’s not really a logical choice, but I kind of don’t care. I didn’t have any supplies with me today, so it’ll have to wait for another time.
On my way home, I decided to take a walk through the south forest (which I today learned is called Cindersap Forest). I was a touch surprised, but among the trees by the lake I saw a woman in a cart pulled by a pig?! Stardew Valley is a special place indeed. Anyway, I felt bold, so I decided I’d go talk to the woman. She introduced herself as Nótt. She’s a traveling merchant and she comes by selling her wares here in the Cindersap every Friday and Sunday. I had a look through her current stock, but honestly, a lot of things were a little out of my budget.

Something about her mysterious persona compelled me to tell her just that. She told me, in as unassuming a tone as I’ve ever heard, that such might not always seem the case. Nótt offered to read my cards at no cost, which I politely declined for now. Then she reminded me that I could find her here every Friday and Sunday, and her offer stood. I thanked her and carried on home. I know very little about card reading or fortune telling. Believers of Yoba tend to discourage it (not that Yoba does specifically).
I can’t put my finger on why, but Nótt had some sort of sense of freedom about her. It made me want to stay and talk with her, even though my mind said I should leave. I imagine this won’t be the last time I speak with her.