Sticking to traditions and things you're used to always seems nice but sometimes it's good to try new things. It'll make your life a lot more exciting. Therefore reinvent your daily routine, choose to change. In short, step out of your comfort zone!

Change the little things

Every day you wake up, you eat a bowl of cereal, you walk across the street to get to work and you're at the office all day. Then walk the same route home, and you will fall asleep watching the same dull TV show every night. For one, these types of routines are a dream, while for others this sounds like a nightmare. By making small changes to make to your routine, your day will look a lot different! Take a different route to work or eat at a restaurant where you've never had a meal before.

Wear different clothes

Often you have quite a few outfits that you wear often. Sweaters, jeans... if you constantly wear the same outfit, it can become very monotonous. Therefore, change it up a little! Wear a skirt for a change if you normally always wear trousers or try new make-up. This way you try something new and you get right out of your comfort zone!

Do what you fear

This is the perfect way to step out of your comfort zone. Are you afraid to speak in public, hold a presentation! Do you have a fear of flying? Go on vacation by plane! If you have a fear, it is easy to avoid this until you're old and gray, but you can also choose to face your fear and get over it once and for all. It requires a lot of strength, but your confidence gets a huge boost once you've managed to get through it!

Throw out all your old stuff

You know the feeling you get when you've cleaned out your closet and throw away your old clothes? It feels like starting again with a clean slate. Sometimes it can be very difficult to throw away old things, but it can be good to replace stuff! By doing so, you'll also step out of your comfortzone.

Visit new venues

Do you find yourself visiting the same pubs, clubs and restaurants on a weekly or even daily basis? Try to move on to a brand new venue, where you've never been before! New locations can provide new ideas and perspectives.

Do you like to step out of your comfortzone?