After a cheat day, you usually feel gutted and defeated, right? Sometimes you might even feel like giving up. However, don't do that! Let me tell you that there are quite a few simple yet successful ways to kick-start your diet and get back on track.

☆ Start today! Not tomorrow! Actually, you should have already begun yesterday but I'm here to say that I will forgive you for not doing so. By starting today, you're not going to give up on your goals again. Promise me you won't!

☆ Start by drinking eight glasses of water a day or two liters of it if you drink bottles. Water causes your body cleanse itself and therefore disposing waste. This is essential if you want to lose weight or just want to be a little leaner!

☆ Take time to have breakfast, even if you're late, so you won't buy any sugar-packed ready-to-eat meals later on during the day.

☆ Go on and use your gym membership. It's a shame to pay for it every month if you don't use it whatsoever. If you're not a member yet, then make sure to look for a gym that is close to home. If your gym is right around the corner, the threshold is immediately reduced.

☆ Try to keep the portions that you eat to small. It's better to eat 10 small portions a day instead of two huge meals and risk not feeling very satiated.

☆ Try to find a partner with whom you can share your experiences so you can motivate each other.

☆ After eating, go out and take a hike. Even if it's just for 10 minutes.

☆ Take the stairs, skip the elevator. Walk more instead of taking the car.

☆ Try to always read lables. It often is the case that even when it's a low-calorie product, there may be loads of hidden sugars, fats and carbohydrates in it. Try to also reduce those. Of course you can just eat what you want, but in moderation, if you want to achieve your goals quickly.

☆ Eat at least one piece of fruit per day. Bananas and apples will make you feel fuller and therefore you won't have the urge to snack. They also are packed with vitamins and other things that you need to stay healthy.

Least but not least: be nice to yourself and your body! Nobody is perfect, remember that you are who you are. You're building your own body and success and that means all you have to do is love yourself enough to not let go of your goals.

We can do this!